STAY IN School

STAY IN School

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sarah’s Academic Success Story

Sarah’s Academic Success Story
Part 1
Time management became a key in my study skills for college. In high school, there were times I was able to study for an hour or 2 the night before a test and get away with it. This was not the case in college. I made sure in college I was prepared in each class. Sometimes that meant writing out the terms for each chapter we read (even if it wasn't required) to better understand them. That way when the midterm or test comes around I was able to understand what I was studying. I started taking excellent notes in college. I may have done this in high school, but in college I started typing up the notes after class. This helped me remember what I just went over in class then when I had a test one week later I was more likely to remember them as well.
My overall study method: Structured. One thing I learned was that I had to adapt or change my study method according to class. I couldn’t study for Religion Class the same way I studied for Finance class. But making sure I had enough time to study for each class—even if it meant if it meant carrying a planner with me at all times was a big part of my success.
Choose The Right!!!

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