STAY IN School

STAY IN School

Friday, December 14, 2012

My Statement

Student Success Statement
"In brightest day in blackest night CTR should always be in sight."
Ronald Marquez

FINAL EXAM Write a 250 Word Document Essay: CTR

“You Will Go Far with Choosing The Right”
Write a 250 Word Document Essay:
You will definitely go far with Choose the Right. Choosing the Right will help you succeed in life, in many ways. Choosing the Right can help you keep your education, your job, and even your own life. For example, (Choosing the Right) if you are in a situation where you can either work on a project or get lazy just Choose the Right and you will keep your education; and possibly get a great score on your project. Also if you are older and working there will be situations in where you can do something reckless at work and get fired or you can just think about Choosing the Right. More importantly where Choosing the Right will definitely help is when your being persuaded to do drugs, this can lead to many dramatic changes in your life especially on your health, but all of this can be avoided just by Choosing the Right. So the one important lesson that I am trying to explain to you is that (Choosing the Right) can and will help you in many ways. But only you can make the decision to Choose the Right if you really want to have a bright future.
CTR All the Way!!!

Don’t Do Drugs Even if Peer Pressured!
Do drugs to impress people or just to fit in.
Drugs can kill you or damage you emotionally, physically and mentally.
Do all class work, homework, and stay in school.
Don’t do anything in class don’t do the homework and ditch class because it’s boring.
School is here to prepare you for life and it is here to help you succeed.
Alerting an adult when someone is being bullied.
Laugh because you think it’s funny, or be the bully.
Most teens are killing themselves because of bullying, you can then be each other’s friend and one day he/she will help you in a time of need.
If you know someone stole something that didn’t belong to them alert the authorities.
Become the robber and be a fugitive.
You can be rewarded for doing the right, and what if you got robbed and some saw but didn’t do anything how you would feel.
Choose The Right!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Bright future or Dark future

Student Success Statement
“Light and darkness can’t occupy the same space at the same time. CTR is light-CTW is darkness.”
This statement means that you can’t do a good thing and a bad thing at the same time. Choices have effects that can be good or bad. For example you can accept to do drugs with your friends that lead to many bad choices in life or you can say “NO,” and have a brighter future.
CTR All The Way!!!!

Academic Success Part 1

Academic Success
Part 1
My great academic success: In my principle of marketing class, we had to come up with a new product and sell it. My group ended up with a couple supposedly bad students according to our teacher since they were the last ones to pick. In the end, they helped out more than needed since I was the team leader I assigned them certain pieces of the project that became solely their responsibility. Delegating work always helps since it allows a group member individual work without separating the group.
English, math, language tips: Math basically just takes practice. I always tell students to take a blank piece of paper and write everything you know about what you’ve learned or what you’re studying for in the class. If you don’t remember everything or start drawing blanks, then you need to study more and review your notes. Note cards work really well for foreign language.
Here are my final words of wisdom for students who want to get better grades: Go to class, make friends in class just in case you’re absent, and remember that you should want to learn.
Choose The Right!!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Winston Salem State University Basketball

Winston Salem State University Basketball
In this University there is a remarkable student who is great in his academic work and awesome in his school work. He has a GPA of 3.7 which is remarkable for a basketball player. He is an example of a person CHOOSING THE RIGHT. This is an example of a great leader.

You Can Succeed in School If You Will Part 4

You Can Succeed in School If You Will
Part 4
As Kennedy lay crumpled in her hospital bed following the accident, she realized that many of her wounds were visible. “After the car accident, I suffered from low self-esteem and depression,” she said. “For years, I allowed someone I loved to physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse me.”
She had previously tried taking a few DCCC classes, but said she was immature and not ready for academic challenge. She dropped out. After the accident, she returned to DCCC to take cosmetology classes. She left school a second time and began working as a certified nurse assistant.  After yet another car accident, she felt unstable, hopeless, and didn’t know what to do.

Student Success Statement Conscience

Student Success Statement
“There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience”
French Proverb
I believe this statement stands for a deeper meaning than the eye can understand.  I think this means that our minds  or inner thoughts are so precious to us because when we feel down we talk to ourselves to cheer us up.

I Will Persist Until I Succeed Part 2

I Will Persist Until I Succeed
How I’ve overcome an initial bad grade: when receiving a bad grade, I just try to do better on the second exam and study harder. It’s hard when you have your first test and have no idea what to expect. The second one is usually easier since you know what to expect from your teachers.
My strategies for written assignments: Start early and make sure that you have it proofread. Also, with written assignments, having a timeline planned out can help like by setting a certain number of pages done by a certain day before the paper is due
How I succeed in school projects: COMMUNICATION! Despite your group synergy, communication is crucial. I remember I ran out of cell phone minutes constantly when working on a group project for my marketing research class. It’s really important that everyone is on the same page and getting the same emails. The worst is when 2 people are working on the same portion and don’t even realize it.