Student Success Statement
"In brightest day in blackest night CTR should always be in sight."
Ronald Marquez
CTR All the Way!!!
Don’t Do Drugs Even if
Peer Pressured!
Do drugs to impress
people or just to fit in.
Drugs can kill you or
damage you emotionally, physically and mentally.
Do all class work, homework,
and stay in school.
Don’t do anything in
class don’t do the homework and ditch class because it’s boring.
School is here to
prepare you for life and it is here to help you succeed.
Alerting an adult when
someone is being bullied.
Laugh because you think
it’s funny, or be the bully.
Most teens are killing
themselves because of bullying, you can then be each other’s friend and one
day he/she will help you in a time of need.
If you know someone
stole something that didn’t belong to them alert the authorities.
Become the robber and be
a fugitive.
You can be rewarded for
doing the right, and what if you got robbed and some saw but didn’t do
anything how you would feel.
Choose The